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Mitragyna speciosa

Kratom is a type of tree that grows in the tropical climate of many countries throughout Southeast Asia. The leaves from the kratom trees are often dried in the sun and then ground into a fine powder. Depending on how the kratom tree is grown and when its leaves are harvested, the resulting kratom powder will have distinct physical and physiological characteristics. These characteristics determine the “strain” of kratom, which is usually identified with a color and with a region of origin. Knowing which kratom strains there are and how each works is key to finding the best kratom strain for you. However, only first hand experience will help you be certain!

About Us


Located in Toronto, Canada our aim is to provide a reliable, dependable source for all your Kratom needs. While 2022 marks our 10th year in the Kratom business, until now we have only worked with a small group of loyal, happy customers. A recent partnering with a higher volume importer has given us the opportunity to expand the business. Stocking only the most popular core strains allows us to have very competitive pricing and in the near future some amazing customer reward programs designed to give you the best possible value. With that in mind, please don’t forget to create an account for your purchase. Any points based rewards program will be backdated to include purchases made before the official start of the promotion. Since there is always room to grow and improve please also feel free to leave any comments, suggestions, concerns so that we can ensure the best possible customer experience!

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